Wow, Today is my 10th Rezday.
I remember the 17th May 2007 very well, when I saw this amazing new world for the first time. I was hooked from the beginning and I like it even more after 10 years.
So... to the next 10 :))

Shopping list:
hair | /Wasabi Pills/ Bianca Mesh Hair - Style 2
head | .LeLutka.Head.Simone
skin | Glam Affair - Slink Physique Applier - AMERICA
eyes | IKON Ardent Eyes - Bone
freckles | Izzie's - LeLutka 2.0 Bento Freckles
lipstick | Izzie's - LeLutka Noble (Classics) Lipstick Appliers
glasses | MINIMAL - Neva Glasses Classic Silver
body | Slink Physique
outfit | -tb- Blazer with Tank - Grey
necklace | .Olive. the Folded Golden Paper Letter Necklace - <3 & S
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